Friday, September 19, 2014

We are family :) Fatin Nurkhairiyyah HM1115A3

hello and hai to all my beloved friends and to my lovely lecturer :) I would like to share a little bit ( i mean A LOT, hihi) of my experience in Indonesia. Actually this my first time went abroad. well memang over excited juga la untill i get pre flight anxiety (not only me sebenarnya :p ).

so lets begin our journeyyyyyyyyyyyyy yey! ok on the first day ( 28 aug), we reached in Jakarta around 8 pm if i not mistaken n of course lah once we arrived there, memang terover over excited la suda all of us. then we went to local restaurant to grab our dinner and after that direct went to Bandung (which actually my favorite city ever!) .

On the next day, we start our first activity which is visiting the University of Parawisata and went Tangkuban Parahu (the volcano). thats my very first time watching valcano and PLUS at a veeerrrryyyyy close area..woowwwww 

 seeee the volcano!

so on the third dayyyyyyyyyyy, we went to SHOPPING around Bandung! we went to kartika sari, which is one of the most popular bakery in Indonesia and ALSO PASAR BARU (siapa x pergi sini,mmg totally RUGI) LIKE SERIOUSLY! 

Favorite Places EVER!

yaaaaa bisa belanja :p (pinjam gambar ye maru n yan)

Day 4, TEMPLES DAY (Jogjakarta)! hihi here the pictures! 

 with our beautiful lecturers :)

Candid yawww! :p

--------------------------------------------Day 5, FREE AND EASY---------------------------------------------

back to Jakarta! ( kennedy mimpi lettew :p)

selfie is a MUST lol

Day 6,nothing much to say, SEDIHHHHHHHHH (back to Sabah)

 Family :)

last pic with our tour guide, Pak Asep, we'll miss u Pak ;(

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