Friday, September 19, 2014

Cinta ku tertinggal di Indonesia by Jazali

Indonesia Flag know as Sang Saka Merah Putih
Jyeahhh ! Hello bapak-bapak and Ibuk-ibuk!!
First of all, i would like to say thank to all our sponsors, and all our friends and specially to my DPP (diploma pengurusan pelancongan) family@tour members and our lecturer Ms Silverina, Mdm Cindy, sir Boyd and sir Henry from Dpim that make this trip happen and share the experiences together walaupun berguguran bulu hidung tapi tidak rugi join this amazing, joyful and unforgettable memories. Following are pictures that we take at Indonesia tercinta. jyeahh !
Borobudur Temple, yogyakarta

Plaosan temple Yogyakarta (weird pose)

Selfie at Tangkuban perahu, Bandung

view at Tangkuban perahu, Bandung
with Bro Pengamen Jalan (street singer)

1st meal at Lembur Kuring
love the fried fish berdiri with the sambal. perhh!! smpai menjilat jari (tangan@k*ki)
In 6days 5night to 3 places di indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta) I was quite enjoy to travel there in term of shopping specially at Pasar Baru, Bandung and speaking Indonesia language. In future, i hope i can bring my family and friends come to Indonesia together, Goodbye ! 

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