Thursday, September 18, 2014

Discovering Java Island (Bazilah)

       Asslamaualaikum and hello my all friend this story about our journey at Indonesia. We depart from Kota Kinabalu to Jakartan on 28 Ogos 2014 at 5 PM and we arrive at Jakarta around 7 PM Soekarno Hatta International Airport.

This picture was taken at KKIA with my group members

This picture was taken at Soekarno Hatta International Airport with my group members

     When we arrive at Jakarta we went to Lembur Kuning Restaurant where we been serve Sundanese food.
Food that i like to eat are that in Indonesia they call masakan Padang. Most of masakan padang were spicy. The most popular place that people always visit to buy cake or cookies is Kartika Sari shop.


This is the example of  Sundanese food that we being serve at this restaurant.

Example of Padang Food

This food are available at Kartika Sri Shop

Besides that, attraction place that we goes to Jakarta, Bandung and Jongjakarta is Borobudur Temple, Plaosan Temple, Museum Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta Sultan palace, Batavia Square and many. The most attraction place that i like is when we went to Tangkuban Perahu at Bandung.




                     This picture are all about the place that we went.

Based on my observations during our trip in Indonesia, Bandung and Jakarta. Most people in Indonesia mutual respect among all races. Mostly people in Bandung gentle and very kind. I like to travel in Indonesia when it come to shopping and i will never forget this experience.

From:Bazilah Bazlashah Binti Iran Shah


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