Thursday, September 18, 2014

INDONESIA SAYANG by Shazean Jimmy HM1115A3

Hallo. First of all i would like to say thank you so much for the lecturers and all of HM part 5 students which involve in this trip. kalau bukan sebab kerja keras daripada kita semua, trip ni tidak akan terlaksana.
Okay, to begin my story morry about the academic trip to Indonesia (Jakarta-Bandung-Yogyakarta-Jakarta), i want to tell you that this is my first time to fly. I never experience it before.

Busy pasang Tag untuk beg masing masing
Students with Lectures 
 excited face during the waiting time to depart from Kota Kinabalu.

The Journey take about 2 hours to arrive at Soekarno, Jakarta airport. The moment we were arrived, we need to take a bus to go the Balai Ketibaan. At the Balai ketibaan, we also need to fill in the departure form which very important to us to keep until we depart from Jakarta on the last day.

filling the form
kalau saya mau cerita dari A to Z memang tidak akan habis ni. so, i will touch on the part which attract me most. Fisrt, we love the tour guide, we called him Pak Asep.  He is very nice and sporting guy.

Pak Asep with us

Second is I love Bandung. Bandung is the nice and beautiful place for me. I love the weather, the panoramic and the most important is SHOPPING :)

Delicious :) Restaurant at Bandung that I really love their food.

I love tangkuban parahu <3

at the Tangkuban Parahu. 

got the oppurtunity to ride horse. one round is rp30000.

The most shopping attraction in Bandung is Pasar Baru.  Murah dan Berkualiti. tengok tuu, si sapik mau beli semua baju batik untuk orang kampung dia. 
After Bandung, We were going to Yogyakarta by bus and take about 15 hours.  For me, that is a good experience.  Travel with friends and even we take a long haul journey.
while in the bus for 15 hours.  Si kannedy tidak pandai penat mengambil gambar, yang lain pula tidur, bercerita, menyanyi and menikmati keindahan alam untuk menghilangkan bosan.

The view on the way to Yogyakarta....

 muka still happy walaupun jammed hampir 1-2 jam.

 oo.. this is the cause of the jammed :D mau hantar saudara mara menunaikan Haji ya bapak dan ibu-ibu sekalian...

Next is Borobudur temple, Yogyakarta. selalunya tengok di google saja ni Borobudur. now, i experience it.

Yogyakarta to Jakarta:
we take a train from Yogyakata to Jakarta and it take about 8 hours.

Other than the attraction, the culture itself also make me interesting to learn more about indonesia.  For example, the Indonesian is soft talk and very friendly.  The education system also different with Malaysia.   For example, the uniform, the level of their study and so on. They also popular with Motorcycle, most of them use motorcycle as their transportation to avoid jammed.

 On the last day at Jakarata :

hey, do see beautiful girl stand in-front of the Old Building ?   

the Batavia squere old city, Jakarta

At 7.10pm we were depart from Jakarta to Kota Kinabalu. 
I will never forget this precious moment and wonderful experience.  i've learn so many things during this Trip and I MISS INDONESIA <3 xoxo.

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