Monday, September 22, 2014

Indonesia In My Heart ^_^

~Discovering Java Island~

Am I the last person who write this?? Hmm..I hope not. Haha..

Okay, let's start..Our trip begins on 28 August – 2 September 2014 from Jakarta - Bandung - Jogjakarta - Jakarta (6 days 5 nights)..For me it is quite a long trip but AWESOME!! Everybody got really EXCITED because most of us were travelling to overseas for the first time and also can be good experience for those who was first time taking airplane ^_^ So, why we choose Indonesia?? Of course because it is cheap & heaven for shop..Everybody like to shop..Can you imagine?? With only RM300 we can be a MILLIONAIRE…YEAYYY!!!

Well..this is how excited we are..In flight pictures ^_^

This trip is the BEST trip EVER...What I like about this trip is Bandung..everything is BANDUNG!! Haha..

People said, pictures can tell us a thousand stories/words..Therefore, let us watch some pictures & throwback..

P/S It is not because I’m lazy to write..but if I write it will be an essay.. haha ^_^

Upon arrival..we went to Lembur Kuning for dinner..YUMMY!!  The food is delicious and serve in large portion..


What is so great about Bandung are Tangkuban Prahu a.k.a volcanic mountain, culture, food and of course SHOPPING!! ^_^

 Tangkuban Prahu 

SELFIE!! At Tangkuban Prahu.. ^_^

Shopping at Kartika Sari & Pasar Baru Bandung.. ^_^ let me ask you a question. Do you know Tegar?? Little kid from Indonesia who sing a song “aku yang dulu bukanlah yang sekarang, dulu ku ditendang sekarang ku disayang, dulu2 ku menderita sekarang aku bahagia” I don’t know where he come from, but in Bandung we can find a lot of “Pengamen” a’k’a street singer.  For some people they are beggars but for me they are working to support their life (though sometimes they interrupting), as we know Indonesia is one of the poorest countries with large no. of populations in the world. 

Thanks to:
#HM1115A1/2/3 for the great team work

Special thanks to:
#NICE tours
#Tour guides
#Zodiak Hotel
#@Hom Platinum Hotel
#All local restaurants
#All interesting places in Indonesia

~Indonesia In My Heart~

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