Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wan Syaza's moments

Knock.knock. Hi, I’m stopping by this blog just to share some sweet-sweet moments that we had while we’re travelling in …. INDONESIA!! Well, first of all thank you for every one cooperation that made our trip successful. Okay, let’s move to the interesting part which are the food, their culture and attraction.
Food! I am a food lover so, most of the food are quite good, and these are some food that I like …

There are many attraction that can be found in Indonesia, especially Borobudur Temple in Jogjakarta, Malioboro Street; it have variety of goods or souvenir and also their local foods along the street, what makes this street attractive for me is because there are a lot of Becha or trishaw and also the chariot which hardly found in Sabah. 

Now, let’s move to their culture~ In Jogjakarta, I was quite surprise the culture at there because although the King himself is a Muslim, their life style are influence by the Hinduism and Buddhism. Another one is the ‘Pengamen Jalanan’ or called as the street singer. There are many street singer can be found in Indonesia, it is also one of the culture that they have in their country; not only male also female street singer can be found there.

From what I discover through our long journey, I found that although there are many vehicles on the road especially motorcycle but there’s no accident happened during our visit there. Besides that, I’ve also found that the education system in Indonesia is different from Malaysia; because on the age between 18 or 20, they’re already taking the bachelor.

Wan Syaza Munirah

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