Friday, September 19, 2014

My Precious Moments at Java Island ^^ Suraini

My precious moments when discovering Java Island, Indonesia ( Jakarta - Bandung - Jogjakarta ) 

First of all, I would like to say big thank you to all for the cooperation that made our trip successful ! I will tell all my experiences during that time. 

This is my first time going to Indonesia, and I want to travel all over the world. Hopefullyyyy !!

The beautiful view during flight , on the way going to Indonesia . I'm very excited !!!!!  hihihi

Welcome to Indonesia !!

Yeay !! Just arrived and we are very happyyyyy ...

Now, move to the attractions, cultural, food, transportation and so forth .. 

There are famous with "makanan padang" , sambal and so on that we not found in Malaysia ..

I love food, yummyyyyy !! so deliciousss ^^

At Jakarta :D

Batavia Square Old City ..

Get opportunity to ride bicycle , happyyy !!

At Bandung :D

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata, Bandung ..

Some speech are given from our beloved lecturer miss Silverina ..

Picture with students at  Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata ^^

They are so friendly !! :D

After visit the Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata, we continue our journey to Tangkuban Parahu. Many things that I learned at the Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata. There are many different in terms of their facilities, how they learn and so forth compare our universities. 

Tangkuban Parahu , Bandung ..

Beautiful place I ever go at Bandung , come and experience it !!

Volcano , still active until noww ..

Get opportunity to ride the horse :D

Again, selfieeee !! ^.^ hihihihi

At Jogjakarta :D

Museum Sono Budoyo , Jogjakarta ..

Sultan Palace ..

Flyyyyyy !!!

Now, lets move to the Temple at Jogjakarta :D 

In Indonesia, there are many attractions especially the temple that built there long time ago. A part from that, the temple become the tourist attractions all over the world. 

Plaosan Temple ..

Candi Borobudur ..

My sweet moment at Candi Borobudur ! This is a beautiful place I ever go and I enjoyed it much !! :D 

Get opportunity to shopping there !! We all love it^^ , Pasar Baru and Kartika Sari.

Yummyyyyy !! Different kinds of cakes ..

We bought some cakes and snacks to KK

Why so serious ? Shafiq and Dyllent ^^ , they maybe confused which one to choose the clothes . hihi

Transportation ^^

Used train for the first time ^^

The view along the journey ^^ , nice place ..

6 days 5 nights at Indonesia gave me many experience and I have learned about their culture such as street seller and beggar. It was something new for me because I never seen it before in our country. Thats all from me ^^  I miss Indonesia ..  

Suraini Jamilin

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