Thursday, September 18, 2014

Beautiful Indonesia by Amira Natasha Maludin

Salam and Hi!

Batik Solo

Here I want to share to you about my experience travel to oversea which is Indonesia. Indonesia is a big country which rich in their culture and religion plus their CUISINE!!

Okay now lets talk about my journey from the beginning till the end. We departed from BKI-CGK on 28th August 2014. On that day, I felt extremely excited because that is the first time I went to oversea with my friends and my lecturers.

Once arrived at Sukarno International Airport, we met Pak Jum which is our tour guide. Pak Jum is a friendly person and always get my attention when he starts to speak. They transfer us to restaurant for dinner which is at Lembur Kuring. They served us with Nasi Padang which is very delicious at that restaurant.

After that they transfer us at Zodiak Hotel which the hotel is quite nice. Hmmm, okayyy. Just the dining area didn't large enough.

So we are done with the first day. Lets move to the second day!!
For the second day we went to Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata. Jujur, berpuluh kali ganda better than ours. Ehhh, sorry. There I met with Muhammad Weldan, he is a nice looking guy and he is sooo okay TALL!! The second destination for that day is Tangkuban Parahu. Okay tempat tu sangat cantik. Sangat sangat sangat cantik.


Selfie Tangkuban Parahu

 Beautiful isn't it?


First time okayy. HAHA. Awkward.

Third day we went to Kartika Sari and Pasar Baru. Then we proceed our journey from BANDUNG-JOGJAKARTA travelling by Coach. Semua makanan di Kartika Sari rupanya enak-enak ya buu. Menyesal lah tidak beli banyak2 sana. Sangattt menyesalll!!! At Pasar Baru ada banyak tingkat unfortunately di bagi masa only 2 hours ka kalau x silap, but still x cukup masa mau shopping. Hehehe, tidak mengapa dehh. Batik beli manyak-manyak punyeee sanee. BTW, that day was my birthday. Thanks for everyone who wish me and thanks for the PRESENT!! I LOVE YOU ALL.

Dalam perjalanan ke Jogjakarta, emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Okay kamu faham. hehe. No komen. SUPERBLAST tired duduk dalam bas 14 JAM. Pantat pun penyekkk kayanya ayam penyet dehh. Sampai hotel HOM, around jam 5AM. That hotel is nice but our room air-conditioner is not functioning well. But x jugak minta tukar bilik, malas demanddd2. HAHAHA.

For the whole itinerary I am waiting to look at sunrise at BOROBUDUR but we didn't manage to have the opportunity because of the incident. So sad but its okayy.


 Yogi??? I dont know what is this thing. HAHA

 Bertakafur bersama Oppa I and Oppa II

 At Muzium Sonobudoya

 At Sultan Palace with course mates and lecturers

 My buddyzz

 My bodyguard

 With my friend, Dyllent at Water Castle

 Borobudur sayangggg

Borobudur sayang lagii...

Sorry banyak gambar kan.. hehehehe. Thats the end of the fourth day. 

Let continue to the Fifth day.
That day is a leisure day. So me and my bestfriends are went to MALIOBORO for shoppingg!! I spent a lot there because all the stuff are cheap. I fall in love with batik Indonesia so I bought more and more for me and my family. Being a female, SHOPPING IS OUR PRIORITY.  I experienced BECA  for the first time with Nurfahin Jumat. Its nice riding beca but the weather at Jogjakarta is hot. 

 Before going to MALIOBORO

 Mas Joko

Shopping gelang ya mbak?

Done with the shopping. That night we went back to Jakarta by using train. For me, coach is more comfortable than train, I dont know why. hehehe. But in the train, I didn't enjoy sleeping as I used sleeping in the coach. 

So during our last day at Indonesia we went to sightseeing. Which the place name is... emmmm, I dont know because I just enjoyed myself.  

With iqbal. mimiey and farah

After done sightseeing, we went to MANGGA DUA MALL. Yeahh, shopping lagi dan lagi. I enjoyed shopping at Mangga Dua but the time given to us which 2 hours is not enough. Oh myy!! HAHAH. After that pegi airport and balik.........


 Coach partner

Power Rangers

What can I wrap up for this whole journey, I am satisfied even though there is some problem occurred. I had that priceless experience that I wont be erase in my life. Thanks to everyone for contributing in our Academic Trip. Sorry if I made a mistake. We knew that no one is perfect. XOXO.

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