Thursday, September 18, 2014

Discovering Java Island by Nur Afiqah Jaffri

Discovering Java Island the precious moment that I had! Amaze Ball :D!

So, lets get started for our experience in the Indonesiaaa! wehuuu~ It feel like I wanna go againnn forrr SHOPPING! We go for part of Java Island which is Jakarta, Bandung and Jogjakarta. I would like to say thank you also to my friend for being full cooperative, and my lecture yang sporting and supportive amat! We got a lot experience walaupun got trouble in some areas ahaha! 

Jeng-jeng our muka Happy before go to Indonesiaaaa!

Our Gossip Girl Team Mdm Cindy and Miss Silverina. Xoxo Gossip girl wuahaha!

Arrival at Jakarta and take our late dinner in Lembuh kuring.

Sekolah tinggi Pariwisata Bandung with their student alsooo :))

Highlight for this Guide in Sultan Palace I like the way how she spoke "kalau shultan shuda mangkat ianya akan menjadi Gabenorrrrr" :)

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