Thursday, September 18, 2014

Joyful Trip to Indonesia

Hello everyone!
This is the story about our 6 days 5 nights trip to Indonesia. Well, to be specific, we went to Jakarta, Bandung and also Jogjakarta! :D IT WAS FUN!!!! We had a blast there, seriously.

If i have to talk about every single things about Indonesia, it will take forever for me to write. So, i will only highlight some of the things that really caught my attentions during the trip. :)

Let's talk about food. I love food. Indonesian foods is quite similar to Malaysian food so i don't have any problem eating Indonesian food. Some of them are just too delicious like i want to eat it everyday. For example, Tahu Kipas.

At Lembur Kuring.

At Saung Balibu.

Now lets talk about the culture. The people are so nice. They like to help people to carry their bags but hahaha it is not free. We have to give them some tips for "helping" us.

Pengamen or street singers can be found everywhere. During our stay in Bandung, masa kami tunggu some of our friends to get on the bus, these two street singers masuk dalam bus then menyanyi. We keep requesting lagu dari tu pengamen. One of the song is Matahari ku by Agnes Monica.

The street singers.

The places that we went are so wonderful and unique. These are some of the pictures of the places.

At Pasar Baru, Bandung. While waiting for the others. (White shirt is our tour leader, Pak Budi.)

At the restaurant.

Muzium Sonobudoyo, Yogyakarta.

Sultan Palace

Istana Air Taman Sari.

Istana Air Taman Sari.

Istana Air Taman Sari

Plaosan Temple

Plaosan Temple

Plaosan Temple

Candi Borobudur

Batavia Square

Batavia Square

Monas Tower

Kartika Sari.

Thats the end of my entry. Happy reading everyone! 

Marvinda Kenson,

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