Thursday, September 18, 2014

MOITAH LANTAMAN (2012498864), HM1115A2

Hai, i’m very excited and happy during the trip to Indonesia (which is discovery the Java Island), because this is my first time go there. After we arrive in Jakarta, our tour guide take us and then we go to the local restaurant for dinner. The restaurant served sundanese food. The food here in sabah and in Indonesia totally different for example the tom yam here is spicy and delicious but in Indonesia the tom yam is sweet and not spicy. Below is the example of the sundanese food. 

There are several attraction place that we go in Indonesia which are in Tangkuban Parahu, Bandung, Borobudur Temple, Jogja and many more. The scenic in Tangkuban is beautiful and there are many tourists come here to see the Tangkuban Parahu and there are lot of seller sell a souvenir and the worst thing is they force us to buy their goods. 

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