Friday, September 19, 2014

Thank you for the experience! #hmjavaisland

Hi everyone! First thing first I just want to let you guys know that I’m felt so happy because it is my first time travel international with my course mates! Thank you for everything.

So, lets start with Jakarta is the nice place to visit plus it is cheaper! Our first day in Jakarta was the best even all of us felt tired then proceed to Bandung. We went to Sekolah Tinggi Parawisata for academic talk. It went smoothly plus met some new friends. For me Bandung is the place for shopping! I almost went crazy & broke because of Pasar Baru! Looking forward to visit Pasar Baru again. Hehe. Yogjakarta was also a nice place to shopping but it so hard when it comes to bargaining. We had an opportunity to ride a beca. The best part in Yogjakarta is visited Borobudur Tempel!! Ive been seen it on lecturer’s slide & I finally went there. The place was so nice and got to know about the history too. 

Oh not forgetting about our Yogjakarta tour guide Pak Wahyu. He is so funny! Guess what? We still mimic his laugh in class. HA HA HA.  The unforgettable last part when I’ve had nausea in the train. Luckily for me, hehehe Afiqah had the same symptom and we were like “cepat lah sampai mau pulang!” thanks to Atikhah for taking care of us. The last destination that we visit was Mangga Dua. It was so big and we lost to find our way back to the entrance. Okay now let me show some of my photos during the trip.
Safely arrived in Jakarta
First dinner at Jakarta City
With beautiful STP students
Cowok ganteng STP
Riding Unicorn :P
Breakfast with Pak Budi *Sorry Marinda ;p* 
With Pak hmmm I forgot to ask his name..
Yang belakang tu selfie nampak :P
Borobudur Tempel
Lastly, Thank you Miss Silverina for make this trip happen even we had lots of problem during arranging this trip and thank you course mates for your cooperation. See you again Jakarta!

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