Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Academic trip to Java Island + misi pencarian jodoh. By Muhammad Fadhli Tajuddin 2012699574

Yo. My name is Muhammad Fadhli bin Mohd Tajuddin from HM1115A1. OK. Recently, we, student  from Diploma in Tourism Management, semester 5 went for an academic trip to the Java Island, Indonesia!! for 6 days and 5 nights that cost us some fortune but it is worth it. Pergh! it was one of my best moments in life. First, I wanna say thank u sooooooooo much to Miss Silverina for letting us organize this trip and taught us many things in planning and designing a trip. Without Miss Silverina this trip might not happen. Also, to those who work so hard behind the scenes in making this trip happens. Not to forget all the lecturers Mr Boyd, Madam Cindy and Prof Hendry and the project leader. hehehehehehehehehehehe. JK. Now, let me show you some pictures. WARNING! after viewing this pictures, you will want to visit these places. 

Happy faces before departing to Indonesia from KKIA terminal 2 to Soekarno International Airport Jakarta.

 As soon as we arrived there, we went to Lembur Kuring, a sundanese restaurant which serve sundanese food. 

Plaosan temple is one of the Buddhist temples located in Bugisan village, Prambanan district, Central Java, Indonesia. p/s Thats me with unknown monk.

Chandi Borobudur

Some of the Buddha carving 

Doing some weird pose with Dylen and Eddie in front of the The Jakarta History Museum, also known as Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum, is located in the Old Town of Jakarta, Indonesia.

Riding 'beca' or tricycle

Random picture taken by Chantalle in front of the Jakarta History Museum

 Gunung berapi Tangkuban Perahu